2015 Charleston, SC

Numbered Front to Back, Left to Right

First Row (Yellow)

01. Andy Elnicki

02. Bill Hayes

03. Joe Pickworth

04. John 'Charlie' Schmidt

05. Joe Hart

06. Bob Gordon

07. Russel Titone

08. Mike Ward

09. Jim Rozell

10. Larry Knutson

11. Bill Ackermann

12. Pete Roitz

13. Frank Niziolek

14. Dave Lavigne

15. Scott Vaden

Second Row (Blue)

01. George Thrasher

02. Robert Gill

03. Al Arnold

04. Frank Yost

05. Chris Johnson

06. Ed Scott

07. Robert Sullivan

08. Michael Sadler

09. Pat Powers

10. Preston House

11. Joe Johnson

12. Anthony Winston

13. Bob Denman

14. Jim Pierce

 Third Row (Red)

01. Fred Williams

02. Bruce Lyles

03. Bill Jones

04. Brian Yeager

05. Bill Holloway

06. Owen Wantulok

07. Bill Nylin

08. Mike Miller

09. Pat Rhodes

10. Al Yancey

11. Frank Bernal

12. Jim Mann

13. Anthony Hambry

14. Doug Huseby

15. Michael Lee

16. Cary Bowles

17. Bruce Tentinger

18. Eric Beaudry

19. Donnie Hall

20. Sam Ritchie

21. Rod Thompson

22. Pat Murphy

23. Kirk Michaels

24. Larry Ferree

25. Charlie Pritchard

 Fourth Row (Green)

01. Greg Stone

02. Walter Pierson

03. Travis Craig 

04. David Wilson

05. Al Downs

06. Jake Moman

07. Roy Martin

08. Tommy Brug

09. Ed Mason

10. Marcelo Benavides

11. James Heath

12. Tom Hool

13. Dan Lawrence

14. John Byrnes

15. Eason Polk

16. Mark Johnson

17. Jamie Goodman

18. David Barton

19. Andy Keilor

Numbered Front to Back, Left to Right 

First Row (Yellow)   

01. Tina Hart

02. Janice Dubin

03. Janice Wantulok

04. Elaine Miller

05. Colette Mann

06. Maureen Titone

07. Karen Michael

08. Margie House

09. Barbara Roitz

10. Tracey Scott

11. Frances Johnson

12. Cathy Ackermann

Second Row (Black)

01. Linda Knutson

02. Karol Heath

03. Annette Gill

04. Kelly Stone

05. Kris Yancey

06. Anna Lyles

07. Sue Arnold

08. Becky Holloway

09. Terri Yost


11. Judith Craig

12. Leilani Benavides

13. Tammy Moman

14. Donna Wilson

15. Sharon Rozell

16. Phyllis Varcoe

Third Row (White)


02. Karen Winston

03. Holly Gordon

04. Lorraine Goodman

05. Anna Lyles

06. Juliette Williams

07. Debbie Thompson

08. Denise Hall

09. Kathy Tentinger

10. Cassie Pritchard

11. Jayne Murphy

12. Cheri Barton

13. Angela Polk

14. Tammy Beaudry

Fourth Row (Red)

01. Lynda Ritchie

02. Linda Parsons (Bill Hayes)

03. Cathy Pierce

04. Rosetta Bernal

05. Ruth Pickworth


07. Pam Niziolek

08. Evelyn Lavigne

09. Patti Pierson

10. Terri Yeager

11. Vicki Vaden

12. Jan Downs

There were several people attending the reunion who missed out the group picture.  If you know of others, please pass their names along to me. Those people not in the pictures are listed below in large print.  Some of these are crew members others are spouses, significant others, relatives or friends.  Names in small print in parenthesis are the related crew members.

Heather Ackermann (Bill Ackermann)

Heather Ackermann (Bill Ackermann)

David Skerritt (Bill Ackermann)

Devon Ackermann (Bill Ackermann)

Joe Baranofsky

Linda Bowles (Cary Bowles)

Catherine Brug (Tommy Brug)

Neil Carlson

Vince Cuthbertson

Sylvia Denman (Rob Denman)

Judy Otterson (Rob Denman)

Toni and Lori DiBernardo

Jim Gordon

Harold and Crystal McKinniss

Joy Meadows (Patrick Rhoads)

Rod Miller (John Byrnes)

Linda Parsons (Bill Hayes)

David, Kelley & Dylan Raines (Greg Stone)

Craig Schaffer

Jerome Schaffer

Joel & Lynn Stone (Greg Stone)

Mike and Heather Tims (Jim Mann)

Sue Huseby (Doug Huseby)